In mid-2023 we completed the entry of all of the information on the Jinshi 进士, Juren 举人, and Gongsheng 贡生 degree holders in the 19th century Classmate Books (同年齿录 for Jinshi and Juren, 明經通譜 for Gongsheng) and provincial exam Passer Lists (乡试录) that we could find. The resulting dataset has 73,744 records. Of these, 6,118 are Jinshi recorded in Classmate Books, 27,580 are Juren recorded in Classmate Books, 29,971 are Juren in Passer Lists, and 12,155 are Gongsheng in Classmate Books. The Classmate Books include lists of the kin of degree holders. When we first entered the Classmate Books, we only entered the basic information highlighted in yellow in the sample page. For consistency with Ho Ping-ti and others, we only entered information for father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. Many degree holders listed dozens or hundreds of kin and after some initial experiments we concluded that at the outset it would be too time-consuming to enter all of them, and we wanted to prioritize the core information that was available for everyone.

In August 2024, we completed the entry of the additional kin. There were a total of 966,084 kin listed for the degree holders listed in the Classmate Books. After dropping 9,625 records from a Classmate Book with an irregular format and uncertain contents, another 6,132 records where no surname was available, and 192 duplicates, we are left with 950,735 records for 34,313 degree holders, that is 27.7 kin per degree holder. Jinshi listed the most kin, on average 90. Juren listed an average of 21.6 kin.
We expect analysis of the data to yield insights into the kin networks of late Qing elites. In the meantime, we have added all of these data to our search platform, which now has more than 1,000,000 searchable names from 19th century China:
Below we present a tabulation of the top 100 most commonly listed relationships. 5 percent of the kin listed were sons, another 4 percent were nephews, another 4 percent were grandfathers, and so on. These are the terms as they appeared in the data, with little in the way of aggregation. We are still in the process of consolidating the kinship terms into a smaller number of analytically useful categories.
Relationship | Records | Cumulative Percentage |
子 | 49212 | 5 |
胞姪 | 40354 | 9 |
祖 | 33758 | 13 |
父 | 33635 | 17 |
曾祖 | 33423 | 20 |
母 | 31403 | 23 |
胞弟 | 24666 | 26 |
妻 | 23414 | 28 |
祖母 | 19397 | 30 |
曾祖母 | 18090 | 32 |
胞兄弟 | 17596 | 34 |
胞叔 | 17268 | 36 |
女 | 16687 | 38 |
從堂兄弟 | 15985 | 39 |
堂兄弟 | 15931 | 41 |
曾祖妣 | 15800 | 43 |
堂伯叔 | 15360 | 44 |
祖妣 | 15313 | 46 |
胞伯叔 | 14729 | 48 |
胞兄 | 14050 | 49 |
堂姪 | 12935 | 50 |
從堂伯叔 | 12776 | 52 |
胞伯 | 12148 | 53 |
堂伯叔祖 | 11580 | 54 |
從堂姪 | 10073 | 55 |
伯叔祖 | 9051 | 56 |
族伯叔 | 8325 | 57 |
再從堂兄弟 | 8146 | 58 |
從堂伯叔祖 | 8070 | 59 |
族兄弟 | 8058 | 60 |
伯叔 | 7506 | 60 |
再從堂伯叔 | 6840 | 61 |
曾伯叔祖 | 6325 | 62 |
兄弟 | 6314 | 63 |
嫡堂姪 | 5629 | 63 |
娶 | 5583 | 64 |
族伯叔祖 | 5201 | 64 |
嫡堂兄弟 | 5108 | 65 |
高伯叔祖 | 4953 | 65 |
族姪 | 4812 | 66 |
再從堂姪 | 4711 | 66 |
姪 | 4625 | 67 |
孫 | 4315 | 67 |
嫡堂伯叔 | 4018 | 68 |
伯叔曾祖 | 3987 | 68 |
再從堂伯叔祖 | 3875 | 68 |
胞伯叔祖 | 3774 | 69 |
胞叔祖 | 3742 | 69 |
高祖 | 3658 | 70 |
高祖妣 | 3497 | 70 |
堂叔 | 3204 | 70 |
堂伯叔曾祖 | 3151 | 71 |
嫡堂弟 | 3053 | 71 |
堂曾伯叔祖 | 2967 | 71 |
堂弟 | 2908 | 72 |
從堂叔 | 2739 | 72 |
堂兄 | 2686 | 72 |
伯叔高祖 | 2668 | 72 |
堂姪孫 | 2545 | 73 |
嫡堂伯叔祖 | 2440 | 73 |
從堂弟 | 2432 | 73 |
胞伯祖 | 2405 | 74 |
始祖 | 2405 | 74 |
胞妹 | 2369 | 74 |
從堂伯叔曾祖 | 2320 | 74 |
堂叔祖 | 2243 | 74 |
妣 | 2207 | 75 |
嫡堂叔 | 2207 | 75 |
八世伯叔祖 | 2096 | 75 |
九世伯叔祖 | 2032 | 75 |
從堂兄 | 2006 | 76 |
庶母 | 1980 | 76 |
七世伯叔祖 | 1935 | 76 |
從堂曾伯叔祖 | 1906 | 76 |
嫡堂兄 | 1898 | 76 |
本生祖 | 1814 | 77 |
十世伯叔祖 | 1813 | 77 |
繼娶 | 1806 | 77 |
堂伯叔高祖 | 1771 | 77 |
本生父 | 1770 | 77 |
從堂叔祖 | 1769 | 78 |
本生母 | 1768 | 78 |
姪孫 | 1749 | 78 |
堂伯 | 1740 | 78 |
繼母 | 1718 | 78 |
六世伯叔祖 | 1681 | 78 |
從堂姪孫 | 1680 | 79 |
族伯叔曾祖 | 1673 | 79 |
太高祖 | 1666 | 79 |
太高伯叔祖 | 1659 | 79 |
胞姊 | 1625 | 79 |
三從堂兄弟 | 1590 | 79 |
五世伯叔祖 | 1558 | 80 |
族祖 | 1548 | 80 |
堂高伯叔祖 | 1515 | 80 |
再從兄弟 | 1493 | 80 |
十一世伯叔祖 | 1445 | 80 |
太高祖妣 | 1435 | 80 |
本生曾祖 | 1386 | 81 |
二世祖 | 1369 | 81 |