Volume 3 of Big Data and the Study of Chinese History 大数据与中国历史研究,第三辑, edited by Fu Haiyan 付海晏 of the Central China Normal University School of History and Culture 华中师范大学历史文化学院 and published by the Social Sciences Academic Press (China) 社会科学文献出版社, contains a Chinese translation of Cameron Campbell’s and James Lee’s paper “State views and local views of population: Linking and comparing genealogies and household registers in Liaoning, 1749-1909”.
Here is a link to the complete Chinese language text of the State views and Local Views paper at Weixin: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/wGfMhYIogXHlVGwosIp5_Q
This paper compares the recording of families in genealogies and household registers in Qing Liaoning. It originally appeared in History and Computing. It shows that there were biases in genealogies beyond what has been recognized in earlier literature.
Here is the reference for the original English paper, and a URL for it at the Edinburgh University Press website:
Campbell, Cameron and James Lee. 2002 (publ. 2006). State views and local views of population: Linking and comparing genealogies and household registers in Liaoning, 1749-1909. History and Computing. 14(1+2):9-29.
Here is the link to the English original, which is now Open Access: https://www.euppublishing.com/doi/abs/10.3366/hac.2002.14.1-2.9
The name of the Chinese translation is 从国家和地方的角度看人口记录和行为. The translator was 谌畅.
The volume includes other papers by Lee-Campbell Group members, or based on data publicly released by the Lee-Campbell Group.
Other chapters by Lee-Campbell Group members include the following:
An introduction by Bijia Chen to the process of constructing the CGED-Q, its current status, and its future prospects:
“中国历史官员量化数据库——清代”的建设过程、现状与前景 (陈必佳)
Essays by James Lee, Yuxue Ren, and Liang Chen on big data and quantitative history:
大数据与中国社会经济史 (李中清)
在定量分析与传统史学研究方法之间 (任玉雪)
如何做好的量化历史研究 (梁晨)
Two papers by Lee-Campbell Group PhD students Yang Li and Xue Qin:
The volume also includes a paper by an MA Student in the Central China Normal University program in Historical Big Data, Cai Xiaoying, that uses the publicly released CGED-Q Jinshenlu 1900-1912 Public Release, and is based on a paper that she originally wrote for the Historical Big Data class that Cameron Campbell taught in Wuhan in 2019:
清末地域回避制度实施之再探 (蔡晓莹)
Here is an announcement of Volume 3 of Big Data and the Study of Chinese History at the web page of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Modern History web page. The book should be available for order online in the coming weeks.