It seems like every piece of reporting on China these days cites as evidence of the import of some event some kind of reference to a particular Weibo post, usually one that included a photo or video of an incident, and then a count of how many times it was forwarded or commented on. And…
Author: camecamp
Hurray for the ENCODE project
I can’t help but thinking that the results of ENCODE and perhaps the recent analysis of the human biome in the long run will turn out to be much, much more significant than the sequencing of the human genome a few years back, because it will shed light on the processes downstream from the genes…
Slides introducing use of STATA to organize and analyze CMGPD-LN data
UPDATE: This post is out of date. The most recent CMGPD-LN Documentation is available at the ICPSR study site: The slides referred to here have been added to the Training Guide available there (2016 October 18). I have posted the slides from my methodological lectures at the CMGPD short course that I taught…
2012 China Multigenerational Panel Data Summer Class
China Multigenerational Panel Data (CMGPD) 2012 Summer Training Workshop Institute on the History and Society of Northeast ChinaSchool of the Humanities Shanghai Jiaotong UniversityShanghai, China July 6, 2012 – July 20, 2012 Subject to revision. Please check back on a regular basis for changes. POLICIES Attendance at all lectures and recitation sections is required. Unexcused…
Online education and higher education
I recently attended a meeting at which the subject of online education came up. Indeed, over the past few months, the possible impact of online education on higher education has come up a number of times in conversation. There seems to be a widespread feeling that as the technology for online education improves, it will…
Apparently I’m a member of the California School (加州学派)
In a fit of narcissism, I was searching for my name in Chinese. I was pleased to find a few recent scholarly pieces in China that list me as a member of the ‘California school’ (加州学派) of economic and social historians who work on China. I guess if I am to be listed as the…
Social Mobility and Demographic Behaviour: A Long-Term Perspective
The complete collection of papers from the December 2008 IUSSP Scientific Panel on Historical Demography seminar “Social Mobility and Demographic Behaviour: A Long-term Perspective” that Martin Dribe, Jan Van Bavel, and I organized at the UCLA California Center for Population Research (CCPR) is now available as a special collection at Demographic Research: The meeting received…
Summer 2012 China Multigenerational Panel Dataset class at SJTU (English announcement)
The Shanghai Jiaotong University Center for the History and Society of Northeast China was established as a research unit by a collaboration of the Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU) School of the Humanities and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) School of the Humanities and Social Sciences. The Center’s second summer school will…
Chinese language announcement of our 2012 CMGPD summer course at SJTU
We’ve pretty much finalized the text of our announcement for our summer short course at SJTU this July. I’ll produce an English language version pretty soon and post it. This summer I will probably lecture in English so we encourage applications from non-Chinese speakers. 上海交通大学中国东北历史与社会研究中心 清代辽宁多代人口数据库暨社会人口学研究暑期学校(第二期) 招生信息 上海交通大学中国东北历史与社会研究中心是上海交通大学人文学院与香港科技大学人文与社会科学学院合作建立的研究机构。中心第二期暑期学校于2012年7月6日-7月20日开课。课程以社会人口学与清代辽宁多代人口数据库的利用为核心,特聘香港科技大学人文社会科学院院长李中清(James…
Announcement of 2012 CMGPD-LN Summer Course at SJTU
We’ve begun making our detailed plans for the 2012 CMGPD-LN Summer Course at Shanghai Jiaotong University. The Chinese-language announcement is available at our SJTU Center website, via this link: It will be July 6 to July 20. Since there may be non-Chinese speaking participants this year, I will probably lecture in English. The goal of…