In a fit of narcissism, I was searching for my name in Chinese. I was pleased to find a few recent scholarly pieces in China that list me as a member of the ‘California school’ (加州学派) of economic and social historians who work on China. I guess if I am to be listed as the…
Author: camecamp
Social Mobility and Demographic Behaviour: A Long-Term Perspective
The complete collection of papers from the December 2008 IUSSP Scientific Panel on Historical Demography seminar “Social Mobility and Demographic Behaviour: A Long-term Perspective” that Martin Dribe, Jan Van Bavel, and I organized at the UCLA California Center for Population Research (CCPR) is now available as a special collection at Demographic Research: The meeting received…
Summer 2012 China Multigenerational Panel Dataset class at SJTU (English announcement)
The Shanghai Jiaotong University Center for the History and Society of Northeast China was established as a research unit by a collaboration of the Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU) School of the Humanities and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) School of the Humanities and Social Sciences. The Center’s second summer school will…
Chinese language announcement of our 2012 CMGPD summer course at SJTU
We’ve pretty much finalized the text of our announcement for our summer short course at SJTU this July. I’ll produce an English language version pretty soon and post it. This summer I will probably lecture in English so we encourage applications from non-Chinese speakers. 上海交通大学中国东北历史与社会研究中心 清代辽宁多代人口数据库暨社会人口学研究暑期学校(第二期) 招生信息 上海交通大学中国东北历史与社会研究中心是上海交通大学人文学院与香港科技大学人文与社会科学学院合作建立的研究机构。中心第二期暑期学校于2012年7月6日-7月20日开课。课程以社会人口学与清代辽宁多代人口数据库的利用为核心,特聘香港科技大学人文社会科学院院长李中清(James…
Announcement of 2012 CMGPD-LN Summer Course at SJTU
We’ve begun making our detailed plans for the 2012 CMGPD-LN Summer Course at Shanghai Jiaotong University. The Chinese-language announcement is available at our SJTU Center website, via this link: It will be July 6 to July 20. Since there may be non-Chinese speaking participants this year, I will probably lecture in English. The goal of…
A modest proposal for facilitating data-driven choices of college and majorent choice of colleges and majors to be data-driven
I recently came across this article about a study at Georgetown looking at the employment prospects and average incomes associated with various majors. Here is the page at Georgetown devoted to the study itself. My own specialty isn’t higher education, but I’ve been thinking about it much more recently for a variety of reasons. One…
Our paper on trends in the social origins of students at elite Chinese universities
Our paper on the long-term social origins of students at Peking University and Suzhou University has appeared in China Social Science (中国社会科学). The paper’s title is “无声的革命:北京大学与苏州大学学生社会来源研究 1952-2002 (Silent Revolution: Research on the Social Origins of Peking University and Suzhou University Students, 1952-2002).” The lead authors were James Lee/李中清 (HKUST) and LIANG Chen/梁晨 (Nanjing University)…
Fertility rates using the births in last year variable from the ACS in IPUMS
[This is another note on using the SDA interface to analyze IPUMS that is intended for students in my Introduction to Social Demography. I am posting it here rather than my class website because it may be of interest to others who are using the IPUMS for teaching.] The ACS includes some very useful questions…
Comparing birth cohorts instead of time periods in the IPUMS
[Another note intended for students in my Introduction to Social Demography class who are using IPUMS-USA for their final projects, but which may be of interest to others using IPUMS in their courses] Many students have expressed interest in examining time trends in average age at marriage, total number of children, completed education, and other…
Using ethnicity/nativity variables in IPUMS to identify 1st/2nd/3rd+ generation
[These are some notes intended for students in my undergraduate Introduction to Social Demography class, for use in working on their final projects, but I thought they would be of wider interest to others using IPUMS in their teaching.] Many students are interested in doing detailed comparisons of the social and demographic characteristics of specific…