I ran into some importing old Excel files into STATA 12. Since I thought others would probably be encountering the same problem, I decided to write a blog post about it. We’re getting ready to produce a draft release of our China Multigenerational Panel Dataset – Shuangcheng (CMGPD-SC) so that users can kick the tires…
Author: camecamp
First publication using the CMGPD-LN public release!
Congratulations to Wang Lei at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences’ Institute of Labor and Population Economics! Wang Lei has just published what we believe is the first publication using the public release of the CMGPD-LN that doesn’t have one of us as a co-author: http://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTotal-RKJJ201302006.htm The paper is a study of bachelorhood in northeast China…
2013 SJTU Summer Short Course: Social Demography
Social Demography Shanghai Jiaotong University Summer Short Semester 2013 7/1/2013-7/26/2013 Course description at Shanghai Jiaotong University website: http://summer.jwc.sjtu.edu.cn/web/sjtu/XJXQ/198690.htm INTRODUCTION This is an overview class intended to familiarize students with key concepts, major debates, and recent research in population and social demography. The focus will be on contemporary trends in marriage, childbearing, divorce, migration, and health…
Summer 2013 China Multigenerational Panel Dataset Workshop at SJTU (English announcement)
Summer 2013 China Multigenerational Panel Dataset Workshop Shanghai Jiaotong University Minhang Campus Shanghai, China July 15-19, 2013 中文版 The Center for the History and Society of Northeast China at the Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Humanities will hold its third summer China Multigenerational Panel Data workshop from July 15 to July 19. The workshop will…
Reflections on the NYT article on education in China
The New York Times recently published a very nice article on the challenges that a rural family in China faced as it sought an education for its daughter: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/17/business/in-china-families-bet-it-all-on-a-child-in-college.html?pagewanted=all I liked the article, and commend it to everyone’s attention. That said, reading the article inspired me to think about the importance of assessing the situation…
Basic data analysis at the IPUMS-USA website
I’ve been using Snagit to make screen capture videos of visits to the IPUMS-USA website to introduce students in my social demography class at UCLA to the capabilities of the site. For the class, students carry out basic analysis in weekly assignments, and then complete a project on a topic of their choice that they…
Recoding variables at IPUMS
For my social demography class at UCLA, I have the students visit the IPUMS website to do basic analysis. I have been using SnagIt to prepare screen-capture videos demonstrating various capabilities at the site. This one introduces recoding variables. You will probably want to watch it full frame in order to make out the text….
Meritocracy in Imperial China: a reflection on Mark Elliott’s Op-Ed in the New York Times
Mark Elliott, a Qing (1644-1911) historian at Harvard, achieved something incredible: he published an Op-Ed piece in the New York Times devoted almost entirely to processes of elite recruitment in imperial Chinese history. He shared his views on the question of whether the selection of officials in Qing China was meritocratic, and introduces readers to excellent…
East Asia themed sessions at the SSHA 2012
There are three sessions focused on East Asia at SSHA this November organized under the auspices of the Family/Demography network. There is a fourth session organized under the auspices of the Macro-historical Dynamics. I have listed them below as a convenience for anyone looking for sessions focused on East Asia. I am just listing the…
Relocated my blog
I relocated my blog from Google’s Blogger to WordPress. The transition was pretty smooth. However, I didn’t see an easy way to have WordPress Permalinks for blog entries match the ones at Blogger. Blogger caps URL length, thus truncates the title of the blog entry in the URL if it is too long. Wordpress doesn’t,…