A month or two ago I ran an errand down at the market at Ngau Chi Wan (buying some dim sum for the following day’s breakfast) and brought along by Canon G5 X Mark II. I’m pretty impressed with what that camera can do. It’s the first pocket camera I have had that I thought…
Author: camecamp
Gongguan 公馆, Taipei 台北
Earlier this fall we were in Taipei. I was attending meetings so only had time to take pictures in the evening. One of my meetings was at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology and we stayed near the campus of National Taiwan University, so in the evening we walked around the Gongguan 公馆…
Beitou 北投, Taiwan 台湾
In fall 2019 we visited Taipei. I was pretty busy with meetings and only had time to take pictures in the evening after dinner. One evening we went to Beitou and walked around a bit. Beitou is an old hot spring area. I don’t have any pictures of the hot springs but I do have…
Relocated website
I moved my website here from my university’s server. I did this mainly because I wanted to be able to post occasionally about non-academic topics like my photography, favorite music, or random observations. While my university doesn’t set any rules on what I can say on a blog hosted on a university server, I felt…
PhD student Bijia Chen finishes PhD, begins postdoc at Renmin University Institute of Qing History
Bijia Chen successfully defended her PhD dissertation on October 25, 2019. The title of her dissertation is “Origins and Career Patterns of the Qing Government Officials (1850-1912): Evidence from the China Government Employee Dataset-Qing (CGED-Q)”. Cameron Campbell was her primary advisor, James Lee was her co-advisor, and Yongshun Cai, Lawrence Zhang and Matthew Mosca served…
CGED-Q meeting at the Renmin University Institute of Qing History, October 12-13, 2019
I will be attending a meeting this weekend at the Renmin University Institute of Qing History devoted to research related to the China Government Employee Database-Qing, especially our public release of the data from 1900-1912. The meeting program is already posted at http://www.iqh.net.cn/info.asp?column_id=13261 and I am reproducing it here for anyone who might be interested:…
Lee-Campbell Group at the Social Science History Association meetings in Chicago, November 21-24, 2019
This has been transferred to the Lee-Campbell Group web page: http://shss.hkust.edu.hk/lee-campbell-group/2019/10/26/lee-campbell-group-at-the-social-science-history-association-meetings-in-chicago-november-21-24-2019/
CGED-Q 1900-1912 Jinshenlu public release workshop held at Central China Normal University
We held a workshop on July 20-22 at Central China Normal University to introduce the China Government Employee Database-Qing (CGED-Q) Jinshenlu 1900-1912 public release. The workshop was co-organized by the Renmin University Institute of Qing History, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Division of Social Science, and Central China Normal University, and the…
Updated version of CGED-Q 1900-1912 Jinshenlu Public Release available for download
We prepared a new version of the CGED-Q 1900-1912 Jinshenlu Public Release that removes leading and trailing blank spaces from all fields. The blank spaces were introduced during the data entry process and are unnecessary. Users previously had to remove them with the trim command in STATA or the equivalent in R or whatever other…
Emma Zang wins American Sociological Association Section on Asia/Asian-America “Best Graduate Student Paper” award
Emma Zang, HKUST Social Science MPhil and Duke PhD graduate, was awarded “Best Graduate Student Paper” by the American Sociological Association Section on Asia/Asian-America for our Demography paper “Males’ Later-Life Mortality Consequences of Co-residence With Paternal Grandparents: Evidence From Northeast China, 1789-1909” which she lead-authored. We began the paper while she was an MPhil student…