Updated 4 April 2024
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Complete curriculum vitae (PDF)
Two-page curriculum vitae (PDF)
Positions (SELECTED)
Acting Dean, School of Humanities and Social Science, HKUST, 2/2024-
Professor to Chair Professor (講座教授), Division of Social Science, HKUST, 7/2013-
Associate Dean for Research, School of Humanities and Social Science, HKUST, 1/2022-8/2022, 7/2023-12/2023
Distinguished Professor (特聘教授), School of History and Culture (历史文化学院), Central China Normal University (华中师范大学), 3/2020-2/2023, 10/2023-
Acting Head, Division of Social Science, HKUST, 7/2018-6/2019
Associate Dean for Research and Postgraduate Training, School of Humanities and Social Science, HKUST, 9/2013-6/2018
Assistant Professor to Professor, Department of Sociology, UCLA, 7/1996-6/2015
Honors, Prizes, Awards
Award for “State Snapshot Process Discovery on Career Paths of Qing Dynasty Civil Servants” as “Best Out of the Box Paper”, 2023 International Conference on Process Mining, Rome, Italy, October 23-27, 2023.
Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA. 2022-2023
Award for China Government Employee Dataset – Qing (CGED-Q) Jinshenlu (JSL) as 最佳項目 (Best Project) at the 2022 China Digital Humanities Annual Meeting (2022中国数字人文年会), Renmin University, Beijing, China
Award for China Multi-Generational Panel Datasets (CMGPD) as 最佳题材 (Best Disciplinary Impact) at the 2020 China Digital Humanities Annual Meeting (2020中国数字人文年会), Shanghai, China
Changjiang Scholar (長江學者講座教授), Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, 2016. Nominated by School of History and Culture 歷史文化學院, Central China Normal University 華中師範大學
American Sociological Association Section on Asia and Asian America, Award for Outstanding Book on Asia for Life Under Pressure: Mortality and Living Standards in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900, 2005
John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Fellow, 2004-5
Ph.D. in Demography and Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, 1995
M.A. in Demography, University of Pennsylvania, 1991
B.S. Engineering and Applied Science, History, California Institute of Technology, 1989 (with Honors)
梁晨 (LIANG Chen), 张浩 (ZHANG Hao), 李兰 (LI Lan), 阮丹青 (RUAN Danching), 康文林 (Cameron CAMPBELL), 李中清 (James Z. Lee). 2013. 无声的革命:北京大学,苏州大学学生社会来源研究, 1949-2002 (Silent Revolution: Social Origins of Peking University and Suzhou University Students, 1949-2002). 三联书店 (Beijing: Sanlian Books)
Bengtsson, Tommy, Cameron Campbell, James Lee, et al. 2004. Life Under Pressure: Mortality and Living Standards in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900. MIT Press. Published in Chinese as 托米·本特森,康文林,李中清等. 2008. 压力下的生活:1700~1900年欧洲与亚洲的死亡率和生活水平. 北京: 社会科学文献出版社. Translated by 李霞 and 李恭忠.
定宜庄(Ding Yizhuang), 郭松义(Guo Songyi), 李中清(James Lee), and 康文林(Cameron Campbell). 2004. 辽东移民中的旗人社会 (Banner Society and the Settlement of Eastern Liaodong). Shanghai: Shanghai shehui kexue chubanshe.
Lee, James and Cameron Campbell. 1997. Fate and Fortune in Rural China: Social Organization and Population Behavior in Liaoning, 1774-1873. Cambridge University Press.
Publications in the last five years (SELECTED)
康文林 (Cameron Campbell) and 高帅奇(Gao Shuaiqi). 2024. 清代文官的组织人口学研究, 1830-1911 (The Organizational Demography of the Qing Civil Service, 1830-1911). 社会科学研究 (Social Science Research). 1:157-169. Chinese version at journal website and official Wechat account. English original at Soc ArXiv.
Burke, Adam T., Sander J. J. Leemans, Moe T. Wynn, and Cameron D. Campbell. 2023. State Snapshot Process Discovery on Career Paths of Qing Dynasty Civil Servants. 5th International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM), Rome, Italy. 73-80. Awarded for “Best Out of The Box Paper.” https://doi.org/10.1109/ICPM60904.2023.10271942
陈必佳 (Bijia Chen) and 康文林 (Cameron Campbell). 2023. “数字人文”与清代官员仕途研究 (“Digital Humanities” and the Study of Career Trajectories of Qing Officials). 史学月刊(Journal of Historical Science). 2023(4):88-100. https://www.dhcn.cn/site/works/papers/type/data/19162.html
Campbell, Cameron and Bijia Chen. 2022. Nominative Linkage of Records of Officials in the China Government Employee Dataset-Qing (CGED-Q). Historical Life Course Studies. 12, 233–259. DOI
Wang Yifang, Hongye Liang, Xinhuan Shu, Jiachen Wang, Ke Xu, Zikun Deng, Cameron Campbell, Bijia Chen, Yingcai Wu and Huamin Qu. 2022. Interactive Visual Exploration of Longitudinal Historical Career Mobility Data. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 28(10):3441-3455. https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2021.3067200
薛勤 (Xue Qin) and 康文林 (Cameron Campbell). 2022. 清季改革视阈下吏部官员群体的人事递嬗与结构变迁 (1898—1911)——以《缙绅录》数据库为中心 Change and Constancy: The Personnel Evolution and Structural Change of the Ministry of Personnel during the Reform in Qing Dynasty —— Based on China Government Employee Database – Qing (CGED-Q). 社会科学研究 (Social Science Research). 2(259):173-182. CNKI
胡存璐 (Hu Cunlu)、胡恒 (Heng Hu)、陈必佳 (Bijia Chen)、and 康文林 (Cameron Campbell). 2021. 清代州的政区分等与知州选任的量化分析 (Quantitative Analysis on the Local Government Administrative Categorization System and the Appointment of Department Prefects During the Qing). 数字人文研究 (Digital Humanities Research). 1(1):34-47. http://dhr.ruc.edu.cn/CN/Y2021/V1/I1/4
Campbell, Cameron D. and James Z. Lee. 2020. Historical Chinese Microdata. 40 Years of Dataset Construction by the Lee-Campbell Research Group. Historical Life Course Studies. 10(Special Issue 1): Online first. English original. Chinese translation.
胡恆(Hu Heng), 陳必佳(Bijia Chen) and 康文林(Cameron D. Campbell. 2020. 清代知府選任的空間與量化分析——以政區分等、《縉紳錄》數據庫為中心 (The Appointment of Prefects during the Qing —- A Spatial and Quantitative Analysis Focusing on the System of Administrative Division and Using the CGED-Q). 新亞學報 (New Asia Journal).37(August):339-398.
康文林 (Cameron D. Campbell). 2020. 清末科举停废对士人文官群体的影响——基于微观大数据的宏观新视角 (The Influence of the Abolition of the Examinations at the End of the Qing on the Holders of Exam Degrees).社会科学辑刊 (Social Science Journal) 2020:4(249):156–166. CNKI
Chen Bijia, Cameron Campbell, Yuxue Ren, and James Lee. 2020. Big Data for the Study of Qing Officialdom: The China Government Employee Database-Qing (CGED-Q). The Journal of Chinese History. 4(2):431-460. https://doi.org/10.1017/jch.2020.15
Xing, Long, Cameron Campbell, Xiangning Li, Matthew Noellert, James Lee. 2020. Education, Class and Assortative Marriage in Rural Shanxi, China in the Mid-Twentieth Century. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. 66 (April): 100458. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0276562419302367
Publications beyond the last five years (SELECTED)
Zang, Emma and Cameron Campbell 2018. Males’ Later-Life Mortality Consequences of Co-residence With Paternal Grandparents: Evidence From Northeast China, 1789-1909. Demography. 55(2):435-57. PDF.
Chen Bijia, Cameron Campbell and Hao Dong. 2018. Interethnic marriage in Northeast China, 1866–1913. Demographic Research. 38(34):929-966. https://www.demographic-research.org/volumes/vol38/34/default.htm
Song Xi and Cameron D. Campbell. 2017. Genealogical Microdata and Their Significance for Social Science. Annual Review of Sociology. 43:75-99. https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev-soc-073014-112157
Elliott, Mark C., Cameron Campbell, and James Lee. 2016. A Demographic Estimate of the Population of the Qing Banners. Études chinoises. XXXV-1: 9-40. https://dash.harvard.edu/handle/1/34391735
Hao Dong, Cameron Campbell, Satomi Kurosu, Wenshan Yang, and James Z. Lee. 2015. New Sources for Comparative Social Science: Historical Population Panel Data from East Asia. Demography. 52(3): 1061-1088 http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs13524-015-0397-y
SONG Xi, Cameron Campbell, and James Z. Lee. 2015. Ancestry Matters: Patrilineage Growth and Extinction. American Sociological Review. 80(3):574–602 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0003122415576516
Campbell, Cameron and James Z. Lee. 2011. Kinship and the Long-Term Persistence of Inequality in Liaoning, China, 1749-2005. Chinese Sociological Review. 44(1):71-104. PMCID: PMC23596557 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3626260/
Campbell, Cameron and James Lee. 2009. Long-Term Mortality Consequences of Childhood Family Context in Liaoning, China, 1749-1909. Social Science & Medicine. 68:1641-1648. PMC2714260 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2714260/
Campbell, Cameron and James Lee. 2008. Kin Networks, Marriage, and Social Mobility in Late Imperial China. Social Science History. 32(2):175-214.
Campbell, Cameron and James Lee. 2002 (publ. 2006). State views and local views of population: Linking and comparing genealogies and household registers in Liaoning, 1749-1909. History and Computing. 14(1+2):9-29. https://www.euppublishing.com/doi/abs/10.3366/hac.2002.14.1-2.9
Campbell, Cameron. 1997. Public health efforts in China before 1949 and their effects on mortality: the case of Beijing. Social Science History. 21(2):179-218.
Campbell, Cameron and James Lee. 1996. A death in the family: household structure and mortality in rural Liaoning, life-event and time-series analysis, 1792-1867. The History of the Family: An International Quarterly. 1(3), 297-328.
Wang Feng, James Lee and Cameron Campbell. 1995. Marital fertility control among the Qing nobility: implications for two types of preventive check. Population Studies. 49(3), 383-400.
Lee, James, Wang Feng and Cameron Campbell. 1994. Infant and child mortality among the Qing nobility: Implications for two types of positive check. Population Studies. 48(3):395-412.
Preston, Samuel and Cameron Campbell. 1993. Differential fertility and inheritance of traits: The case of IQ. American Journal of Sociology. 98(5), 997-1019.
Public datasets
Campbell, Cameron D., Bijia Chen, Yuxue Ren and James Lee. 2022. China Government Employee Database-Qing (CGED-Q) Jinshenlu 1850-1864 Public Release. https://doi.org/10.14711/dataset/E9GKRS, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
Campbell, Cameron D., Bijia Chen, Yuxue Ren and James Lee. 2019. China Government Employee Database-Qing (CGED-Q) Jinshenlu 1900-1912 Public Release. https://doi.org/10.14711/dataset/E9GKRS, DataSpace@HKUST, V1
Lee, James Z., and Cameron D. Campbell. China Multi-Generational Panel Dataset, Liaoning (CMGPD-LN), 1749-1909 [Computer file]. ICPSR27063-v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2010-08-17. doi:10.3886/ICPSR27063 http://dx.doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR27063
Lee, James Z., Shuang Chen, Cameron D. Campbell, and Hongbo Wang. China Multi-Generational Panel Dataset, Shuangcheng (CMGPD-SC), 1866-1914. ICPSR35292-v1. Ann Arbor: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-07-28. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR35292.v1
Edited volumes, Guest edited issues and collections
Campbell, Cameron, ed. 2013. Migration in historical East Asia. Special Section in History of the Family. 18(4):371-455.
Dribe, Martin, Jan Van Bavel, and Cameron Campbell, eds. 2012. Social Mobility and Demographic Behaviour: A Long-Term Perspective. Special Collection 10 in Demographic Research.
Kurosu, Satomi, Tommy Bengtsson, and Cameron Campbell, eds. 2010. Demographic Responses to Economic and Environmental Crisis. Kashiwa: Reitaku University Press.
Extramural funding
HK RGC Areas of Excellence AoE/B-704/22-R. Quantitative History of China: Historical Roots of Recent Success and Future Development. $74,800,000 HKD in Direct Costs. Co-PI (Chen Zhiwu PI). 2022-2027.
HK RGC GRF 16602621. Disasters and Official Careers in the Qing Civil Service, 1830-1912. $389,962 HKD in Direct Costs. 2021-2024.
HK RGC GRF 16601718. Family Background Influences on the Appointment and Career Mobility of Qing Officials With Examination Degrees. $1,105,600 HKD in Direct Costs. 2018-2021. PI.
HK RGC GRF 16600017. Between The Old and the New: Marriage in Rural China During the Middle of the 20th Century. $1,143,500 HKD in Direct Costs. 2017-2020. PI.
HK RGC GRF 16400114. Spatial, Temporal, and Social Network Influences on Officials’ Careers during the Qing: Creation and Analysis of a National Database from the Jin Shen Lu. $846,988 HKD in Direct Costs. 2014-2017PI.
NICHHD 1R01HD070985-01. Multi-generational Demographic and Landholding Data: CMGPD-SC Public Release. 2012-2016. $588,025 (USD) in Direct Costs. PI.
NIGMS 1T32GM084903-01A1. “Integrated Training in the Population, Behavioral, and Biomedical Sciences.” 2009-2012. Program Director.
NICHHD 1R01HD057175-01A1 “The Liaoning Multi-Generational Panel Dataset: Public Release and User Training” (Susan Leonard PI) 2009-2011. Consultant.
NICHHD 5T32HD007545 “California Center for Population Research Training Program.” 2007-2011. Program Director.
Online courses
Social Science Approaches to the Study of Chinese Society, launched at Coursera in spring 2017.
Part 1 https://www.coursera.org/learn/social-science-study-chinese-society
Part 2 https://www.coursera.org/learn/social-science-research-chinese-society
PhD student mentorship
Current PhD (Primary Advisor)
Shuaiqi Gao (CCNU)
Completed PhD (Primary Advisor/Committee Chair)
Xiangning LI, Social Science, HKUST (Co-Supervisor)
Bijia Chen, Social Science, HKUST (Primary Advisor)
Dwight Davis, Sociology, UCLA (Committee Chair)